Project layout
main.py -- entry point
toolset.py -- defines what a tool is
toolspecs/ -- individual tool specifications
config.py -- Reads system configuration
Note: NOT a place to configure how the api will behave
util.py -- Various utilities
The API exposes one route per tool. They take their arguments on the path of the url. Language and input is also taken in on the path.
The simplest way to explain how the path looks for the tool routes, is this:
That is, if a user is exploring the "analyze"
tool for north sami ("sme"
and writes down the input "viessu"
, the query path will be
FastAPI automatically documents the routes in the API using OpenAPI. They can be read at /docs or /redoc. The /docs one can be used to test out queries to the API. It's also possible to use a tool like hoppscotch to run test queries against the API.
Routes in the API is dynamically imported from the toolspecs/ folder.
One file in the toolspecs/ folder corresponds to one route.
Tools are python files located in the toolspecs/ folder. They are python scripts, but certain variable names will be interpreted and read specially. Defining a name summary as a string will make that string show up in the OpenAPI documentation. A longer description can also be given. What the tool does is specified by the variable named pipeline.
Can be either a dictionary or a list. If it is a dictionary, the keys are strings
of 3-letter iso language names, and the value is a pipeline list of that language.
The special key "*"
will be used for all languages that are not specified.
pipeline list
A pipeline list (which is just a normal python list) consists of a series of steps that will be done in sequence. The input to the first step is the input from the route. The output from the last step is the return value of the route. Each step takes input from it
A pipeline list (which is just a normal python list) specifies the operations that this tool will do to its input. Each entry in the list can be either a list or a function. If it is a function (async or not), it will be called, and the output will be the input for the next step.
route input => step1 => step2 => stepN => response from route